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- Thursday 15 June
- 13:30 Arrival at the Science Centre.
Sandwiches, welcoming and introduction to the camp by Odysseus-team/DTU Space and ScienceTalents.
- 14:30 Teambuilding.
- 15:00 Break.
- 15:30 Space science lecture 1
- 16:15 Space science lecture 2
- 17:15 Before-dinner-break with Segway driving
- 18:00 Dinner in the lobby at Soroe Academy
- 18:45 Spacemovie on the big screen: ”Apollo 13” with introduction on manned spaceflights then and today by Mariann Albjerg and Steen Eiler, talent ambassador at ScienceTalents,
- astrophysicist and president of the Danish Astronautical Society 2006-2016
- 21:00 Cosy evening and get-together at the Talent Hotel.
- 22:00 Goodnight
- Friday 16 June
- 08:00 Breakfast.
- 09:00 Pioneers present their projects and get questions from the jury.
- 12:00 Lunch in the lobby at Sorø Academy.
- 13:00 Free time to visit the City of Soroe or Segway driving while the jury evaluate presentations, abstracts and projects.
- 14:30 Winner of the Odysseus II contest announced by DTU Space director and astrophysicist. Ph.d. Kristian Pedersen at the Soroe Regional Award Ceremony.
- 15:30 Break.
- 16:00 Space science lecture 3:
- 16:45 Break
- 17:00 Space science lecture/demonstration/workshop 1:
- 18:00 Dinner in the lobby at Sorø Academy.
- 19:00 Space science lecture 4:
- 20:00 Space science lecture 5:
- 21:00 Cosy evening and get-together at the Talent Hotel. We bring out a telescope and discuss what we see in the sky (weather depending).
- 22:00 Goodnight.
- Saturday 17 June
- 08:00 Breakfast.
- 09:00 Space science lecture/demonstration/workshop 2: Rocket engines, rocket fuel, simulation of rocket motion and mini rocket construction and launch.
- 12:00 Lunch.
- 13:00 Space science lecture 6:
- 14:30 Break.
- 15:00 Final speech:”careers in Space science in Europe”
- 15:15 Evaluation of the event.
- 15:30 Departure for the airport.