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The 2017 Nordic Semi-final for the participants qualifying from the first phase of the Odysseus contest will take place at the ScienceTalents Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center in Soroe, Denmark from the 15th to the 17th of June 2017.
The event is held as an all-inclusive 3-days science camp, where the finalists of the Pioneers category from 5 countries will be found. Furthermore, we have arranged many exciting activities to make sure it will be a fun and memorable experience for all participants.
The activities include presentations, competitions and social activities, all with space and science as focal point.
Activities and presentations are adapted to challenge and entertain participants.
ScienceTalents is an Education Center for children and teenagers with a special interest in science. The Center is located in a historical environment alongside Soroe Academy. An area where H.C. Andersen, amongst others, sought inspiration.