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Cele projektu:
Chcielibyśmy zaprezentować film o egzoplanetach, czyli planetach pozasłonecznych, zdolnych do zaludnienia. Wybraliśmy ten temat, ponieważ jest bardzo interesujący i możemy się od niego dowiedzieć wiele ciekawych rzeczy. W skład naszej grupy wchodzą: Tomasz Derda, Martyna Bartczak oraz Adrianna Krzak pod opieką pani Małgorzaty Woszczyny. Celem naszego projektu jest przedstawienie:
– planet zdolnych do zamieszkania wraz z opisem ich budowy,
– historii odkryć planet pozasłonecznych,
– najbardziej skutecznych metod wykrywania ciał niebieskich,
– warunków jakie muszą spełniać planety, aby były zdolne do zaludnienia
Życzymy miłego oglądania
The aim of this project is to account for the possibility of living on Mars and having a human civilisation on the planet. In our project text, we have discussed the issues that come with living on Mars but also the solutions to those problems. The issues we bring up are temperature and seasons, the atmosphere, radiation, dust storms, energy resources, materials and the psychological impact on the humans living in this civilisation. We have also made a simple model of our Mars society where we have 3D-printed the houses. We believe that 3D-printing is one of the best options for building houses on Mars. One of our key points of this project is to make everything as environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and material-efficient as possible.
This project serves to illustrate the possible construction of a sustainable house on Mars. The home suits to meet the average three member Bulgarian family needs. Our main medium used was three-dimensional (3D) printing but we have also utilized paper and wire. We covered the basic human needs present in a household, such as power, oxygen, water and nutrition. We additionally explored the receiving and sending of signals. We addressed possible problems that exist on Mars that might interfere with an average person’s life, such as the fact that its gravity is 38% of Earth’s (3.71m/s2) and the presence of strong dust storms which could cause problems if the architecture is not planned out correctly. This led to us to explore the possible shapes which would be most suitable for the infrastructure. The project was created with the goal of making the building as self-sustainable as possible and not needing to receive any additional supplies from Earth after being constructed. This concept incorporates newly-developed technology, creative forms of energy, and knowledge acquired from previous space journeys.
Nazywamy się A Journey To ISS, a nasz projekt to symulacja dająca możliwość odbycia spaceru kosmicznego wokół Międzynarodowej Stacji Kosmicznej. Z pomocą rozwijającej się technologii wirtualnej rzeczywistości przenosimy gracza w okolice tego fascynującego obiektu badawczego. Kontrolery ruchowe umożliwiają nam wchodzenie w interakcję z otoczeniem, łapanie się różnych części stacji, odpychanie się od nich, a dzięki zaprojektowanej przez nas instalacji użytkownik ma wrażenie, jakby znajdował się w stanie nieważkości. Nasz projekt ma nie tylko charakter rozrywkowy – wierzymy, że z pomocą tej technologii będą odbywały się szkolenia astronautów, techników i kontrolerów lotów kosmicznych. Technologia ta jest w stanie całkowicie odmienić to, jak prowadzone są szkolenia – wierzymy, że nie ma cenniejszych informacji niż te zdobywane praktycznie. Nasze rozwiązanie pozwoli też na zachowanie sporych oszczędności – dzięki sprawnemu przeniesieniu praw fizycznych na wyświetlacz okularów jesteśmy w stanie symulować wszelkie zjawiska (w tym także wybuchy, zniszczenia), co pozwoli znaleźć się astronaucie w sytuacji zagrożenia bez ponoszenia dodatkowych kosztów (materiały szkoleniowe). W skutecznej nauce przydać się może także powtarzalność niektórych sytuacji (bądź dowolna parametryzacja panujących warunków). Chcemy ulepszyć to, w jaki sposób szkolenia są prowadzone, a nasz projekt jest dowodem na to, że jesteśmy w stanie to zrobić!
Notre projet concerne la recherche de la vie extraterrestre et notamment des programmes de recherches de la NASA. Nous avons essayé de répondre à la question « Sommes-nous seuls dans l’Univers » grâce à des travaux de recherches de plusieurs scientifiques travaillant au sein de la NASA. Le projet SETI en fait partit et notre présentation porte principalement sur ce projet. Notre principale question reste "Comment pouvons nous communiquer avec une civilisation extraterrestre?"
A questão está colocada: Estaremos sozinhos no Universo? Agora, temos de esperar por uma resposta, um sinal.
Neste projeto está incluído um vídeo que fala sobre o que foi feito pela humanidade, nomeadamente no ramo científico, no âmbito da questão colocada e de tentar respondê-la. Existe também um jogo que nos permite "sonhar" com a possibilidade de estabelecer contacto com uma civilização alienígena.
In this video, we accompany two spacecraft (Daedalus and Icarus) during their mission, which consists of staying on a comet for one year, and gathering scientific data about it.
What changes during the stay, when the comet approaches the sun? Which environmental effects are measurable?
We used Kerbal Space Program to simulate the journey.
Ein großes Problem zukünftiger bemannter interplanetarer Raumfahrt wird die kosmische Strahlung sein. Dazu gehört sowohl der Sonnenwind als auch die Strahlung aus unserer Galaxie sowie extragalaktische Strahlung.
Diese Strahlung kann schwere, bleibende Schäden bei Astronauten hervorrufen, welche sich außerhalb des Magnetfeldes der Erde, d.h. des Erdorbits, befinden.
Die Raumschiffe für solche interplanetaren Missionen und die Unterkünfte von Kolonien, beispielsweise auf dem Mond oder dem Mars müssen den Bewohnern effektiven Schutz vor der kosmischen Strahlung bieten.
Die Frage, die sich dabei stellt, ist, welche Materialien bieten geeigneten Schutz, um bleibende Schäden bei den Astronauten und Kolonisten zu verhindern?
Da wir nur eine begrenzte Anzahl an Materialien testen können und diese Materialien auch mit einem Raumschiff transportiert oder auf einem Planeten vorhanden sein müssen, haben wir uns für Wasser, Gestein (in Form von Sand) und Erde als organisches Material (auf einem Raumschiff z.B. Fäkalien) entschieden.
Mediante una narración nos hemos puesto en la piel de una astronauta que se encuentra en la situación de un volar solo durante un año hacia a Marte. En este relato expresamos la idea de una posible terapia que consistiría en reconducir el cerebro, para dejar de centrarnos en lo negativo y hacerlo en lo positivo.
Projekt omawia kolejno możliwości powstania życia poza Ziemią i jego wymagania. Hipotetyczne miejsca, w których życie jest możliwe i wymagania, które muszą zostać spełnione by rozwinęła się cywilizacja techniczna. Następnie omawiamy jak będzie wyglądać prawdopodobny kontakt z przybyszami i co powinniśmy zrobić aby się przygotować.
Inspired from the famous “Curiosity” rover that NASA sent to explore the planet Mars in 2011, we have decided to create something similar and with the same purpose as the martial rover.
In this regard, we planned to check whether the newly explored territories are suitable for building a settlement or just for exploiting their resources. Thus, our project’s aim is to find a suitable home for human life on unfamiliar territory.
Over the past week, we have used a Lego Mindstorm and a Raspberry Pi computer fitted with several sensors to build a rover. We will use it for data acquisition (from the sensors aboard), which will provide enough information about the planet under research.
Therefore, we will be able to tell whether the explored planet or satellite can potentially harbour life, enabling the development of a settlment on it.
My project is a manifesto acclaiming rational thinking. It’s a result of an attempt to draw some logical conclusions out of the information a student has access to. The aim of it is to inspire further development of the human settlements on Mars, with a concept that is modular, feasible, local, and possible making use of the in-situ resources. It has a growing concept, I’ve chosen to present it in an intermediate stage, and its development is free to go further and further- as long as the structure allows it.
The point break, or the accomplishment of a stage in the development of the settlement is the moment such an ensemble becomes self-sufficient and it can help develop others, thus the progress becomes exponential.
As the previous attempts to give a response to the challenge of building martian bases and settlements are the ones that inspired me to approach such a programme, so I hope it will work for the ones wishing to make a contribution to this field of activity in the future.
Questo progetto comprende lo studio di una stazione autonoma su Marte, di un rover pressurizzato che può percorrere grandi distanze e di una missione in grado di riportare l'uomo sulla Terra. In più, con l'intento di trasformare il progetto in "realtà", ho scritto un romanzo basato su questi miei studi.
La stazione spaziale autonoma dell’Aresland, nella Hellas Planitia su Marte, composta dalle basi Red Stone, Krasnij Gorod e Hong Se De Du, nasce da un’alleanza tra le agenzie spaziali americana, europea, russa e cinese, che ha permesso lo sbarco dell’umanità sul Pianeta Rosso, con le missioni del programma “Ad Martem”. La dodicesima missione di questo programma (da cui il titolo “Ad Martem 12”) si pone come obiettivo la nascita dei primi tre esseri umani su Marte.
La storia, curata scientificamente sotto ogni aspetto, affronta e risolve i problemi del vivere su un altro pianeta, ma non solo: analizza gli effetti dell’ambiente marziano sul corpo umano e segue i pensieri (talvolta filosofici) dei tre protagonisti.
I file allegati comprendono: lo scritto completo (.docx), la presentazione del progetto (.pptx), alcune immagini della base (.jpg), il video trailer della storia (sia in inglese, che sottotitolato in italiano) e il video di presentazione.
This paper examines the use of microwaves to transfer energy through space. In November 2014, the spacecraft Rosetta reached Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the cometlander Philae successfully detached from Rosetta and landed on Comet 67P. Philae’s anchoring to the surface of Comet 67P did not proceed as planned and as a result Philae bounced and landed in shadow in the region of Abydos. Consequently, the solar panels on Philae could not produce enough energy and therefore Philae was only able to obtain 80% of the planned measurements. To solve this problem this paper investigates the possibilities of Rosetta transferring energy from its’ own solar panels to Philae through microwaves in a geostationary orbit around comet 67P. To test the efficiency of energy transfer through microwaves, this paper suggests an experiment; where a stratosphere balloon should be send up from either DTU Space in Copenhagen or Esrange Space Center in Sweden. The needed components are listed and the funding for the project is reached through the Junior Researchers Project as this project in December 2016 won 20,000 DKK to proceed with this experiments. Lastly, the possible applications of this technology are discussed. Hopefully, this can benefit the future space research.
Our project is about the building of a lunar city, named Artemis
Είμαστε ο Όμιλος Παρατηρησιακής Αστρονομίας του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου με έδρα τη Σάμο. Υλοποιήσαμε το συγκεκριμένο video project εν προκειμένω να δημιουργήσουμε μια αναλογία των αποστάσεων των πλανητών του Ηλιακού μας Συστήματος από τον Ήλιο μας με τις αποστάσεις κάποιων πόλεων και νησιών από την έδρα της σχολής μας, το Καρλόβασι.
Σκοπός μας ήταν να μπορέσουμε μέσω μιας τέτοιας αναλογίας να προβάλλουμε μερικές βασικές πληροφορίες σχετικά τόσο με το Ηλιακό μας Σύστημα, όσο και για το Αιγαίο και τα νησιά του. Επίσης θέλαμε να κατανοήσουμε κάποια στοιχεία των δύο συστημάτων και να τα συγκρίνουμε (όπως οι μαθηματικές αναλογίες κι οι αποστάσεις). Τέλος, θέλαμε να δώσουμε την αίσθηση στο κοινό πως η Αστρονομία είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένη με την Ελληνική Ιστορία καθώς επίσης πως η Αστρονομία και οι αντιστοιχίες της κρύβονται ακόμη και στα πιο απλά και καθημερινά θέματα.
Some of the biggest obstacles faced in medical science nowadays are the complications that arise during the detection of various types of diseased tissue within the human body that occur as a result of diseases such as peripheral vascular disorder and cancer, to name a few. While diagnosing these diseases, body temperature has been cited as an important parameter for identification of the malady. Indeed, the link between different diseases and body temperature has already been well established. The purpose of this research is to highlight the practicality of using a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) for the non-invasive diagnosis of diseases such as those mentioned above. Diseased tissue emits more energy than healthy tissue does in the thermal-infrared region (TIR) of the electromagnetic spectrum. Building upon this principle, a CCD placed adjacent to biological tissue would be able to detect the TIR given off by the sample. While the measurement would be compiled in matrix form, imaging framework and template generation techniques are deployed alongside the CCD in order to provide visual representation of the ‘scan’ on any coupled visual device.This method would be more efficient and relatively cheaper than contemporary methods of scanning employed in medical science.
Le projet Chronos (Coordination Horaire par Orbiteur et Nouvelle Organisation Sociale) propose une gestion du temps hors de la Terre pour les hommes et les communications à travers l'exemple de Mars.
Managing time out of Earth for men and for communications through the example of Mars.
The presented project is an academic achievement, as it gives a working model for the manning of CubeSats on behalf of science, security, industry and the human society as a whole. The idea’s originality is unveiled in a mission, consisting of the creation of a 18-unit CubeSat cluster working in sophisticated order and managing different scientific tasks. Presentation of the idea is in the form of a scientific report, including scientific specifications and explanations of every part and aspect of the space mission. This type of report gives a stable model for development and synchronization between different elements of projects of such kind. The goals itself shows that prevention has a huge role in containing extreme situations and that funds spent for prevention are much less than the funds spent for recuperating from any kind of disaster of negative event.
Od zwykłych serwerów, które udostępniają nam dane w sieci komputerowej różnią się tym, że są umieszczone w górnej części Stratosfery tuż pod Ozonosferą i łączą się bezpośrednio z telekomunikacyjnym systemem satelitarnym.
It's about the possible use of drones on extra-terrestrial bodies. Therefore, some basics will be discussed first (aerodynamics, atmospheres and powering) after discussing some possible forms of equipment that could benefit the use of it.
After that, three phases will be explained in which the drones will be important. The first phase will be about supporting Mars-mission where reconnaissance and experiments will be the key uses.
The second phase will be about transportation during the human colonization of Mars. This will be in a further future.
The last phase will be about helping other extra-terrestrial missions. There, Titan will receive an extra focus due to positive aerodynamical background.
Ending this paper will be about possible problems that drones might encounter and some solutions to it.
Enjoy your lecture!
Egeus est un concept de mini sous-marin relié à un flotteur émetteur. Grâce à lui, nous pourrons découvrir ce qui se cache en lieu et place des mers de méthane présente sur Titan. Nous savons d'ores et déjà qu'il existe des traces de composés organiques dans l'atmosphère. Trouverons nous les mêmes composés dans les mers et les océans de la Lune de Jupiter ?