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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Odysseus II?

Odysseus II is a European project, funded by the European Commission. Its main objective is the organization of a pan-European contest for pupils and students between the age of seven (7) and twenty-two (22) years on Space exploration and Space science. Although a pan-European contest pupils and students from non-EU countries could also participate.

I want to register in the contest – How do I join Odysseus II?

You can REGISTER by submitting your email and your selected password, and by selecting the category (Explorers) and accepting the rules of the Odysseus contest. Then you should verify your account by clicking the link included in the email that you will automatically receive. Then you should LOGIN to your account and fill in your details (and in case of a pair the details of your teammate) in the registration form.

How old do I have to be to participate in the Odysseus II contest?

Participants should be from seventeen (17) to twenty-two (22) years old (i.e. be born on or between 1st April 1994 and 31st March 2000) and should be enrolled in a university degree course during the academic year 2016-2017.

In which language do I have to submit my entry?

You could submit your entry in any of the following languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish. Participants from countries outside the European Union should submit their projects in any of the above languages.

If the entry makes it to the International final of the contest, the participants must provide a full translation into English, if the entry was originally submitted in another language.

Do you have any information about how to create an entry?

You are free to select your own topic within the theme framework of the contest (also see the Instructions section on the Explorers page). You can make your own choice about the form and design of your entry (text, power point presentation, video, prototype, multimedia, experiment etc.), but you are advised to include a Project Worksheet in the template provided, describing the background thinking of your project. You are free to submit as many supporting files as deemed necessary.

How do I submit an entry?

You should upload your entry alongside its summary (in the form provided) by logging in to the Submit your Entry link, and following the instructions.

Can I submit more than one entry?

No. Each participant may submit only one entry to the Odysseus II contest.

What do I do if I forget my password to the Odysseus Platform?

There is a Forgot Your Password link on the Log in page. Click on this link and a new password will be sent to your registered e-mail address for Odysseus account.

When do I have to submit my entry?

You need to submit your entry from 1st September 2016 until 23:59 CET of 31st March 2017. The Odysseus II organizers recommend that you submit your entry upon completion without waiting until the deadline date.

Can you help me uploading my entry to the Odysseus Platform?

Yes; you should follow the instructions provided in the Submit your Entry link. If you have any questions or might need help in uploading an entry, please fill in the relevant contact form and the organizers will help you securing that your entry will be uploaded appropriately.

Will I receive feedback from the evaluators?

All participants will receive a summary of the judges’ evaluation of their project at the time of judging.

What evaluation criteria will be used?

For full details on evaluation criteria, please refer to the Assessment and Evaluation Criteria section of the Explorers page.

How many participants will make it to the Regional and International finals?

The number of participants going onto the next level of judging will be determined by the relative populations of the participating countries and the number of submissions from each region and in each theme category. The Odysseus II Contest organizers will announce how many contestants from each country will participate in the semi-finals, via the official website. The top contestants or pairs of the Regional semi-finals will participate in the International Final.

Can I view the other entries submitted in the Odysseus II contest?

Yes all entries could be viewed on the Odysseus website after the expiry of the deadline for submitting an entry.

When will I know if I am selected for the regional final?

The contestants who will qualify to the regional events will be announced after the 20th of April 2017.

How will I be notified if I win at regional phase contest?

The winner in each Regional semi final will be announced at the end of the event after the completion of the judges’ consultations. Regional winners will also be announced on the Odysseus II Contest website.

What are the prizes?

For complete details on the prizes, please visit the Prizes page.