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Robert Gordon


My name is Robert Gordon and I am currently studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Glasgow. In 2017 I entered into the Odysseus II Contest with the project “SAROBI Titan Mission”, along with team mate Sara Berent, which aimed to explore the possibility of landing an animatronic rover onto the surface of Titan to search for the existence of a new type of life.
The Odysseus contest was truly a once in a lifetime experience for me. I had the opportunity to use the knowledge that I’ve gained from my current University studies in a unique and creative way, allowing me to take my first steps towards a future career in the space industry. I learned a lot about the space industry from my time at the Euro Space Center in Belgium and at the Cité de l’espace in Toulouse, France, and also had the chance to get to know other people with similar aspirations to me. I hope I will be able to keep in touch with the people I met through the contest and maybe one day I might even end up working with them at some point in the future, who knows!

What motivated you most to participate in Odysseus contest?

I was motivated to enter the Odysseus contest in large part simply due to my keen interest in perusing a career in the space industry. The contest seemed to offer me a great opportunity to gain great experience in the industry which might help me set myself apart when looking to build a career in the space sector. I was also motivated by the possibility of travel and being able to visit the European Space Industry and other companies such as Thales Alenia Space, which was such a privilege.

What did you enjoy when you prepared your project?

I enjoyed the challenge most of all. I love trying to come up with creative ideas to problems and finding new innovative ways to use technology that we already have. Being able to apply the engineering theory that I had learned in class was very rewarding and fun for me also.

What was the most important thing that you learned during the preparation of your project?

I learned that the space sector wasn’t as inaccessible as I once thought. I had always thought that space and aerospace engineering was too complicated for me to ever handle, but having worked on this project I am now filled with confidence that I am skilled enough to make a career in the space industry and a successful career at that. This is what excites me the most!

Has the work done for your project affected your decision for studies in space science?

It has for sure! Not only I am more interested in my University degree than I ever have been I am also interested in many different parts of Space science that I had never even thought of. Being part of the competition and seeing many great projects being presented by others really made me aware of the diversity of areas in science that can be found in space and that are essential to space science.