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Stefka Teodorova


I´m currently studying at the Alicante´s University the degree of social work after doing a science bachillerato . I will not forget sciencies because I would like to do something in my future related to them or a second science degree. Who knows.

What motivated you most to participate to Odysseus contest?

What motivated me the most to participate in the contest was the fact of being able to carry out a kind of scientific research on my own and propose hypotheses and solutions to something I had seen on television. Trying to collaborate on something that had failed and it had been a shame.

What did you enjoy when you prepared your project?

Spotting and experimenting with my colleagues was the best thing in the project without a doubt.

What was the most important thing that you learned during the preparation of your project?

Apart from improving my teamwork skills I learned more things that I knew about gravitation and space in general.

Has the work done for your project affected your decision for studies in space science?

I would have liked to do any degree of science or space science after doing the project and seeing everything I saw in Madrid. I liked a lot but I continued without having really clear what to do with my studies