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The 2016 Odysseus contest winners were announced on the 8th of July in the award ceremony, which took place at the Euro Space Centre in Belgium.


In the Pioneers Category the winning team was the team LEARS from Portugal consisting of  Carlota FERNANDES, Diogo GONCALVES and Nelson REBELO with Ms Cristina PINHO as teacher – coach.  The team comes from the city of Oeiras and they attend the Escola Secundária Sebastião e Silva.  They developed a functional wireless guided rover instrumentally setup to analyze new environments.

Carlota, Diogo and Nelson 2016 Odysseus Contest Pioneers Winners

In the Explorers Category the winner was Ms Alice Antonelli, from Italy.  Alice has just graduated from the Liceo scientifico Enrico Fermi and she designed a balloon that goes up into the stratosphere connected with a monowing and carrying as payload some sensors and a photo camera in order to analyse the atmosphere for meteorological purposes and to control air pollution.

Alice Antonelli 2016 Explorers Winner

Both the Pioneers and the Explorers Winners will travel to French Guiana and will visit the Space Port in Kuru.

In the Junior Skywalkers category  the picture “Into the space by rocket” by Ivan Rubčić from Croatia, was voted as the best by the Odysseus Community.  In the Senior Skywalkers the picture “La vie dans l’univers” by Baris Bilici from France won the first prize.   Finally, the picture “A civilization that has developed a very high technological standard!!!”, by Menelaos Raptis, from Greece, got the most votes in a public voting process through facebook.   All Skywalkers winners will receive an iPad for their achievement.

Into the space by rocket

La vie dans l’univers

Public Vote Winner

The Odysseus contest organizers are delighted to announce the 2016 Skywalkers national winners.  From more than 1220 entries the 38 national winners were selected by other contestants through voting and in some countries by national juries based on the quality and creativity of the submitted images.  National winners will receive a rocket model as award and alongside another 104 runners up, who were also selected at national level, will compete for the Grand Prizes of 2016.

The winners of the Grand Prizes in the Skywalkers category will be selected by the Odysseus Community through online voting.  Public voting will commence on June 20 and end on July 6, 2016.

View the list of 2016 Skywalkers National Winners.

View the list of 2016 Skywalkers Runners-up.


The following seven projects have being selected to participate in the regional semi-final that will be organized in Thessaloniki, Greece.


“Водни светове”, Team aquanauts

“Комуникация с извънземни? Възможно е!”, Team ETI_ALI


“Utilization of satellite technology for improved weather forecasts – the case of Cyprus”, Team “MeteoTeam”

“H εξερεύνηση χερσαίων πλανητών σε μακρινούς Γαλαξίες… Τι περισσότερο θα μπορούσαμε να μάθουμε για τη Γη;”, Team “Κασσιόπεια”


“Προσομοίωση των χαρακτηριστικών του εσωτερικού ηλιακού μας συστήματος στη μέθοδο των διαβάσεων”, Team “Εξωγήινοι Αστρονόμοι”

“Ποιο θα είναι το ύψος των ζώων σε έναν εξωπλανήτη;”, Team ExoAnimals

“Living with the solar wind”, Team “Astronomy Addicted”


One project from Greece is qualifying to the regional semi final that will be held in Graz, Austria.

The winning project is entitled “Moon Underground: Space Humanity’s Room”, by Dimitris Athanasopoulos and Konstadinos Karampelas


The national finalists in the Pioneers categories from Poland, Lithuania and Latvia are:

Ground22b from Poland
“Spójrzmy w przyszłość”

Kosmiczni Ekolodzy from Poland
“Śmietnik nad głową”

SawioTeam from Poland
“Baza na Marsie”

Żuczki Politechniczne from Poland
“Baza na Marsie – jak zbudować samowystarczalną stację kosmiczną na Marsie?”

Thejjteam from Poland
“O terraformowaniu i przyszłości podróży kosmicznych”

Ohoi from Latvia
“Marss- kāpēc sarkanā planēta ir tik aizraujoša”

lilastronauts from Latvia
“Būt vai nebūt” dzīvei uz Mēness”

Marsaliens from Lithuania
“Comparison of living on Earth and living on Mars”

Dawid Przystupski from Poland
“Eksploracja kosmosu w poszukiwaniu życia – możliwości przetrwania i funkcjonowania żywych komórek i organizmów w ekstremalnych warunkach na przykładzie zjawiska przeciążenia.”

Bartłomiej Ziętek from Poland
“Sky mining- pozyskiwanie surowców naturalnych z planetoid bliskich Ziemi”

Jan Jędryszek from Poland
“Why is the definition of life and life’s origins on Earth important in extraterrestrial research?”

Viktorija Leimane from Latvia
“Arguments for the search for alien civilizations and suggestions, why institutions should be interested in conducting such research.”

The semi finales will take place in Warsaw between 12 and 15 April.

Two teams in the Pioneers category qualified from Portugal to the next round of Odysseus II contest:

  1. Team “Dark Side of the Moon” with the project entitled “Estrelas verdes? Será que as podemos ver?” and
  2. Team christapinho with the project entitled “LEARS – Learning Robotics in Space”

In the Explorers category the project entitled “Como iniciar a colonização de outros corpos celestes” submitted by Catarina Alves qualified to the regional final that will be held in Spain.

Pioneers category
The following projects have been selected to participate to the regional semi-finals that will be held in Turin, Italy. The preliminary date to be confirmed is April 28th and 29th.

1) “Alla ricerca della zona di abitabilità delle stelle”, Team members, Sara Molinaroli, Linda Benin, Cesare Dal Degan
IC Antonio Pisano Belfiore (Verona)
2) “Mars Base”, Team members,  Giacomo Dal Toso, Elisabetta Callegaro, Francesco Roana, Liceo ╲G. G. Trissino╡ Valdagno (Vicenza)
3) “Stazione lunare autosufficiente, Team members Elia Mazzari, Luca Cattani, Davide Cattani, Liceo Statale Melchiorre Gioia (Piacenza)
4) “Ad martem”, Team members Giulia Bassani, Nicola Timpano, IIS Curie Collegno, (Torino)

5) “TeleUniverso Marte”, Team members Tamara Rinati, Letizia Paone, Martina Auditore, I.I.S. “Caminiti-Trimarchi” Santa Teresa di Riva (Messina)
6) “Searching for a second earth – Europe effort”, Team members Lorena Kerep, Lorena Cvetković, Dominik Filipović, Gimnazija Antuna Gustava Matoša, Samobor, Croatia

Explorers category
The following two projects have been selected to participate to the regional semi-finals that will be held in Graz, Austria.
The exact date will be defined soon.
1) “Effects of exoplanetary gravity on human colonization and the evolution of native lifeforms” by Mateo Kruljac and Dora
Klindžić from the University of Zagreb Croatia, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics

2) “Punto di vista orbitale” by  Alice Antonelli Scuola secondaria superiore liceo scientifico Enrico Fermi Cecina

The following six projects from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece and Italy will compete in the regional semi-final that will be organized in Graz, Austria.

1) “Eine permantente und autarke Mondstadt”, by Alexandre Smolka, Germany
2) “Moon Underground: Space Humanity’s Room”, by Dimitris Athanasopoulos and Konstadinos Karampelas, Greece
3) “Effects of exoplanetary gravity on human colonization and the evolution of native lifeforms” by Mateo Kruljac and Dora,  Klindžić from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Croatia
4) “Punto di vista orbitale” by Alice Antonelli Scuola secondaria superiore liceo scientifico Enrico Fermi Cecina, Italy

5) “Perspective of Manned Spaceflight to Mars” by Marek Novák and Lucie Davidová, Czech Republic
6) “Conjugate observations of a remarkable quasiperiodic event by the spacecraft and ground-based instrument” by Barbora Bezděková, Czech Republic. 

The national finalists from Spain, who qualify to the regional final that will be held in Madrid, Spain, at the end of April are the following:


  1. Team Pasión espacial from Instituto de Educación Secundaria “Tháder” with the project “Aterrizar sin problemas”
  2. Team R2-D2 from IES Secretari Coloma, with the project “Mars Quest. Diseña tu propia misión espacial tripulada en este juego de mesa”
  3. Team Mars Farmers from IES Cervantes de Madrid, España, with the project “Colonizing Mars: a low-cost greenhouse”
  4. Team Ad Astra from Collegi Sagrada Família Horta with the project “Provecho de materiales in situ para una exploración de Marte”
  5. Team Llunàtiques from Institut Guindàvols with the project “Determinación experimental de la gravedad en la Luna”
  6. Team JoseMariaDiaz from Colegio salesiano “Santo Domingo Savio” with the project “La ley de la Gravitación Universal hace (im)posible los mundos”
  8. Team Ingràvids from Institut Guindàvols with the project “Gravedad Cero”
  9. Team Mars Travellers, from IES Cervantes de Madrid, with the project “Shielding against cosmic radiation in manned missions to Mars”
  10. Team Moon Workers’ Corporation from Colegio La Inmaculada and IES Núñez de Arce with the project “I Proyecto Mundial de Asentamiento Lunar”


  1. Miguel Palos and Sergio Forcen with the project “GeoMars”
  2. Roger Huerta i Lluch and Oriol Milian Adriazola with the project “Proyecto RENO – Renewables Energy Network Objective”
  3. José María Díaz de la Torre and Ángel Díaz de la Torre with the project “Un viaje a Marte: “Órbitas de transferencia de Hohmann-Chemowsky””

The national finalists from the United Kingdom, who qualify to the regional final that will be held in Denmark, between the 10th and the 13th of April are the following:

Team BCobbold from St Johns School with the project “Does ESA Plank Satellite measured cosmic microwave background give evidence for the theory of the Big Bang”

Team QuantumMHJ from the Royal Wootton Bassett Academy with the project “Critical Evaluation of Methods of Extracting and Managing Resources on Mars”

Team rhayward from the Hockerill Anglo-European College with the project “MISSIONRED2030”

In the Explorers category the project “Analysis of Current and Future Technologies for Martian Transfer Vehicles as part of the ARTEMIS Colonization Programme” by James Cooper and Federico Giusto from Loughborough University will participate in the regional event in Denmark.

In the Pioneers category the team “Hibah_977”  from the Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, India topped the ranking of the non-EU entries with the project “Zephyros” and qualified to the regional finals.

In the Explorers category Khwam Tabougua Trevor from the Faculté des Sciences de Gabès, Cameroon, qualified to the regional final that will be held in Toulouse, France.

Four projects were selected to join the regional final that will be organized next April in Graz, Austria:

  1. Project “Was ist Leben? Was macht einen Planeten bewohnbar” – Team Höhere Graphische Bundes-Lehr und Versuchsanstalt from Austria: Gregor Kosian, Clemens Makoschitz – Tim Maresch
  2. Project “Magnet Rocket” – Alpha TEAM from Germany: Alexander Haake, Lukas Mohr – Sven Hebestedt
  3. Project “Utazás a Gliese 667 Cc-re“- Team vandorok from Hungary: Norbert Blum, Adél Malatinszky – Szuzsa Horváth
  4. Project “ISDRES” – Team hetzenauer from Austria: Jana Hetzenauer, Hanna Pichler, Gregor Salinger – Julia Weratschnig

The contestants that will join the regional event in Graz for the Explorers category – see below

Regional Semi-finalists in the Pioneers Category for Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania are the following projects:

“Princíp vyhladávanie exoplanét a jeho vylepšenie” from Slovakia
“Honeymoon – concept of a lunar city” from Romania
“AstroVianu Lab” from Romania
“Mars vs. Earth” from Romania
“Marte, visul de ieri, cotidianul de astazi” from Romania
“Spre stele” from Romania
“Comorile Europei” from Romania
“Využívání databáze SkyMorph pro hledání nových pozic planetek” from Czech Republic
“Terraformace Marsu” from Czech Republic
“PhoeniX” from Czech Republic
“Jednoduchý radiometr pro vodíkovou frekvenci” from Czech Republic
“Radiace na Marsu” from Czech Republic
“Sodíkový motor” from Czech Republic

Semi-final for abovementioned Pioneers teams will take place at iQLANDIA, Liberec, Czech Republic 4th-7th April 2016.

Regional Semi-finalists in the Explorers category from Czech Republic joining the event in Graz are the following:
“Conjugate observations of a remarkable quasiperiodic event by the spacecraft and ground-based instrument”
“Perspective of Manned Spaceflight to Mars”

The evaluations at national level in France and in Belgium have being completed.  The contestants that qualify to the regional final, which will be held at the Cité de l’Espace in Toulouse are the following:



“Une maison sur la lune” – Team collegevaldoie
“Surfer sur Jupiter”- Team JupitLP2I
“Projet terre 2.0 : A la recherche d’une Terre jumelle” – Team pegasi
“La sphère Martienne” – Team pompotes
“L’odyssée d’Helen” – Team techno2
“La MALE – kit de survie sur Mars !” – Team Lerolle!
“A WINDOW TO LIFE” – Team  lautrecvoedp

“Base martienne et production d’Oxygène sur Mars “- Team Henry_Grafe

Special citations were awarded by the jury to the following  projects that did not qualify to the regional final:

Best visual impact: “Des Humains sur Mars” – Team MatteoThomas
Most original problem: “La fusée à énergie tachyonique” – Team Les pionniers de l’espace
Most artistic entry: “Humanus Universalis”  – Team thauma
Best documented entry: “La Fabuleuse Histoire de Rosetta” – Team Regulus



“Expansion de l’Univers: Mystérieuse énergie noire et projet EUCLID”  Ghernati Adel
“Projet ADONIS” –  Culeux Jordan et de Claverie Chris
“Anubis : la prospection lunaire”  Bories Pierre
“Conception d’un drone-dirigeable martien” – Chantebel Clément et COMBY Léopold


“Révolution des GNSS avec Galileo” Khwam Tabougua Trevor

Congratulations to all contestants for their work and efforts!

For the winners of the Odysseus Contest 2012 – 2013 please check here.