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The Odysseus II Project

The Youth for Space Challenge – ODYSSEUS II project aims to inspire young people from all over Europe and to engage them in space exploration, through a series of educational activities, which will combine scientific learning with hands-on experiences. Through the organization of a fun oriented educational contest, which will be organized in multi rounds and which will target all pupils and students in Europe, wherever they are living and irrespective of their cultural background and the language they speak, the project will foster the development of qualified scientists, engineers and technicians in areas relevant to the priorities of the EU space policy.

The Odysseus II contest aims to build upon the achievements of the Odysseus project and to provide learning opportunities in space science and technology to European youth.  In the context of the two cycles of the contest (school / academic year 2015-2016 and school / academic year 2016-2017) the Odysseus II project intends to attract the interest of tens of thousands pupils and students from all over Europe and internationally.

The ODYSSEUS II project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 640218‏. It is funded with nearly two (2) million Euros by the European Commission in the framework of EU HORIZON 2020, started on 1st January 2015 and will run until the 31st December 2017. A strong consortium of fourteen (14) partners and four (4) supporting organizations from eleven (11) European countries will collaborate to provide learning opportunities in space science and technology to European youth.