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In regard of this multilingual competition we have created our project in the language of English to provide the ability of reading it for more participants.
In this project we addressed the question „Mars exploration, why is the red planet so fascinating?” and researched the most important goals, the exploration methods and the most common reasons behind Mars being such a popular planet.
These include: The future goal of finding a possible new home for humanity, the current progress in Mars exploration and the expected results in the near future; most common conspiracy theories and misconceptions regarding the Red Planet and a bit of fun "facts".
If you are interested in NASA’s projects and conspiracies, or if you would be happy to find an alternative way of having more time a day, this project is for you!
We are Emese Batári and Daniel Almási from Hungary and we truly hope you will enjoy our work.
Descuerdo al problema planteado se analizó 2 tipos de problemas y 2 soluciones para un viaje con duración de 1 año a Marte.
Una de esas soluciones es la parte psicológica con la biológica que en estas se analizo los problemas de la soledad, los deterioros en el cuerpo humano causados por la falta de gravedad. También , el otro problemas seria del aburrimiento en caso que el viajero se aburriera de sus deberes y por eso el tema de entretenimiento es algo vital.
Para este problema se planteo un tipo de traje espacial que puede adaptarse al ambiente y sea mas cómodo y fácil para el viajero, pero también se hablo un poco un tipo de nave de escalas grandes para el viaje para cumplir necesidades ya sean biológicas o de entretenimiento.
Vores projekt omhandler mennesker på Mars. Vi ville genne undersøge, hvad der skulle til for at bosætte sig på planeten og hvilke udfordringer der evt. kunne opstå. Vi har valgt at udforme projektet som en historie, men med en masse fakta. Så det er en rapport gemt i en historie. Vi har undersøgt og skrevet om, hvordan en eventuel bygning på Mars kan se ud. Hvordan et menneske vil reagere, når man vælger at tage ud i rummet, dermed det psykologiske aspekt. Vi har også undersøgt terraforming og plantning af afgrøder på Mars samt om det er muligt at genmodificere en plante, der kan overleve i Mars' jord og atmosfære.
Our project is about the Red Planet Mars and the fascinating facts about it. We have been exploring Mars' life through the studying of the planet as a whole. For example, information about its interior, temperature, size and surface have been examined in the following project. Moreover, studies about whether there is or could be life on planet Mars are also mentioned. We tried to include all previous and current theories about this fascinating planet that still remains a mystery for us today, since humans have never been there.
This project serves to illustrate the possible construction of a sustainable house on Mars. The home suits to meet the average three member Bulgarian family needs. Our main medium used was three-dimensional (3D) printing but we have also utilized paper and wire. We covered the basic human needs present in a household, such as power, oxygen, water and nutrition. We additionally explored the receiving and sending of signals. We addressed possible problems that exist on Mars that might interfere with an average person’s life, such as the fact that its gravity is 38% of Earth’s (3.71m/s2) and the presence of strong dust storms which could cause problems if the architecture is not planned out correctly. This led to us to explore the possible shapes which would be most suitable for the infrastructure. The project was created with the goal of making the building as self-sustainable as possible and not needing to receive any additional supplies from Earth after being constructed. This concept incorporates newly-developed technology, creative forms of energy, and knowledge acquired from previous space journeys.
As we can all see what the future reserves us, one of the solution for us to keep living in normal conditions would be to find another place to live. There are no other planets in the Solar System except from Earth that can sustain a habitat for humans to live, so the only viable solution will be to make a space settlement.
Transporting will be the main issue of achieving our target. Firstly we plan on building the base on pieces, to make things easier.
We expect to have a 20 years period of building the station and some other 3 years of taking the personnel aboard. We strongly believe that our idea has increased chances of success, since journeys to Mars are already in progress. Therefore, astronauts who will land on the “Red Planet” will help us by supplying the building crew (robots mainly) with everything needed and that will ease the construction of the base.
In this project, our main aim is to build the low-cost and sustainable Martian house which could prevent the possible problems such as low temperature and high radiation. Due to this we considered dome houses built with Martian resources such as ice and Martian soil. Dome houses built by ice should help with the cold temperature just like in igloos. The ice dome houses will be covered up by soil which will absorb the radiation. Since our project is a low-cost, sustainable one; all the nations could contribute on this Mars city with low-budgets. This will help to maintain a diverse community with open-minded people all around the world and help us to start a new life on a new planet without any hatred or war.
Lidé již od pradávna snili o cestě na rudou planetu. Už Řekové věděli, že tato planeta bude mít velký význam, proto ji pojmenovali podle svého boha války Mars. Leonardo Da Vinci navrhoval první létající stroje, které nám měli přiblížit nebe. Po dosažení nebe se lidstvo rozhodlo jít ještě dál. V říjnu 1957 SSSR úspěšně vypustil první umělou družici Země Sputnik 1. Poté USA dobyly Měsíc a celý svět dokázal vybudovat ISS (Mezinárodní vesmírná stanice). A jaký je náš další vesmírný cíl? Jako jedna z možností se nám nabízí planeta Mars. Máme zdroje pro vybudování dost silné rakety, třeba i stanice, která by byla schopná doletět a dopravit lidi na tuto planetu. Problém nastává s návratem na Zemi. Když cestujete skoro 9 měsíců, abyste ušetřili palivo, nemůžete přistát, strávit na planetě pár hodin se zásobami jídla a odletět. Proto se nabízí možnost postavit na Marsu obyvatelnou autonomní stanici, která by sloužila astronautům k výzkumu, úkrytu a dočasnému ubytování. Náš projekt se snaží zaměřit a vyřešit problémy stanice, aby byla plně nezávislá, a i přesto dokázala splnit komfort a design 21. století.
W galerii pojawi się wypełniony szablon "worksheet", zgody rodziców oraz link do wideo z projektem i komentarzem. W jednym ze zdjęcie symulacji interakcji wiatrów słonecznych z jonami w górnej warstwie atmosfery Marsa (przeprowadzonej przez Maven science team i University of Colorado)