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Publication and publicity

  • Entry materials will not be returned, and as property of the “Odysseus II project”, may be used for publicity, public exhibition, outreach and other non-profit purposes.
  • After the closing of submissions, all entries will be made accessible to the public via the Odysseus II Contest web portal.
  • Registration by a team gives the Odysseus II contest the right to publish the name, age and nationality of the winning team members on the Odysseus II website.
  • The organizers of the contest may ask a team to send the physical objects associated with their entry to Brussels for an exhibition. The cost for shipping the objects will be paid for by the organizers.
  • The members of the winning teams from the European finals will act as European Youth Space Ambassadors and will participate in outreach activities immediately after the final.  This will include interviews and stories for the Odysseus II Contest website and other EU outreach initiatives.