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Pupils born on or between 1st April 2003 and 31st March 2010 are invited to prepare individually a “picture” that relates to one of the following themes:
(e.g. How does Earth look from the surface of the Moon and the surface of Venus)
(e.g. Walking on a comet)
(e.g. Mars satellite Phobos crashes on Mars)
(e.g. Make a drawing of a civilization that has developed a very high technological standard)
* This list is not exhaustive and any other development of ideas within the framework of the selected themes could be displayed based on the imagination of the pupils.
The term “picture” can apply to artwork created by any medium either manually (drawing, painting, mosaics etc.) or electronically (photographs, drawings made with computer design programs etc.). Pictures not created electronically must be scanned and uploaded in one of the approved formats.
Their entry must be submitted by an adult (by their teacher, family member or youth leader) online through the Odysseus II website.